You can listen to the episode, or follow links to your preferred podcast platforms, here. Thanks again to JPB Gerald, Noah Green and Mandeep Locham for their contributions.

NB: all views expressed on the podcast are the individual opinions of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SLB as a cooperative.

More about JPB Gerald

  1. The main article we discussed is ‘Worth the Risk: Towards Decentering Whiteness in English Language Teaching’, which is available for download here.
  2. Links to the ‘altruistic shield’ piece and other articles by Justin can be found here.
  3. Click here for more details about JPB Gerald’s ‘Ezel Project’, which offers courses on some of the issues raised in the podcast.
  4. Justin’s podcast ‘Unstandardized English’ is available on Anchor and the other main podcast aggregators.
  5. Finally, you can follow JPB Gerald on Twitter here!

Further disclaimer

No offence whatsoever was intended towards white women from Kansas.

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