By Published On: 29 November 2015Comments Off on The 6 Ps and SLB: Improve your EnglishTags: , , Categories: SLB: Other Services

About the Author: SLB Admin

Alan Ritchie talks about SLB in-company classes


“We’re pitching a new potential client in English next week.”

“Most of our clients are now outside Spain.”

“Our company has had to internationalise since the crisis.”

Irene presenting resized

These are just some of the statements SLB hears from businesses in our network on a regular basis. SLB in-company students can vary from having no discernible need for English in their workplace to those who are going to be pitching a multinational in a few days.

The first type may be motivated by other things, travel, an English speaking family member or a love of an English language band, TV series or author. The second type may not have much time to enjoy their exploration of the language on their own terms, they have to prepare, perform, and deliver in short order.

For an SLB teacher like myself this kind of class comes with a clear set of objectives, a set time frame and attainment that is to some degree immediately measurable.

I relish these classes and the challenges they bring into the mix. However, those same criteria can be enough to put the fear of god into anyone who is not speaking their native language, and that is where SLB can be of service.

The 6 Ps were drummed into the heads of the youthful rugby team in which I once played by our eccentric but undeniably effective coach. For those of you haven’t had previously had the pleasure- the 6 Ps are: Prior. Planning. Prevents. Piss. Poor. Performance.

And whilst you might not appreciate the old coach’s language, the message is impossible to argue with. So for our purposes as language trainers; rehearsal, dry runs and a positive feedback loop are key motors of performance. Students get specially targeted feedback and personalised language notes. In a short space of time, and with the unavoidable motivation of a pressure work situation, students can make rapid gains and improve delivery, confidence, and results.

Do you have a presentation next week? Are you flying to Scandinavia soon? Was that last video conference impenetrable? We’ll work with you to maximise outcomes and build your ability and confidence.

We have found a variety of techniques to work depending on the situation. As a client recently said; “We are so proud of the work done, it wouldn’t have been the same.”

For less immediate, or long-term challenges, a bespoke course of study is highly recommended, and can be arranged. However, if a company, team or individual is finding that they need to up their English game yesterday: forget the 6Ps, you just need to remember 3 letters; SLB.

To book your tailor-made classes click here