After months of hard work and frustration, the cooperative Serveis Lingüístics de Barcelona is finally fully operational!

We have actually been registered with the Registre General de Cooperatives de Catalunya since the beginning of March, but complications with our bank account meant that it (along with all our initial capital) had remained blocked – until last Wednesday, when a phone call from the bank delivered the good news we had been waiting for.

SLB president receives call from bank, last Wednesday

SLB president receives call from bank, last Wednesday

Getting this far has, to say the least, been a challenge. Anyone familiar with Spanish or Catalan bureaucracy – or the ignoble art of making the possible impossible, as someone once said – will know what we’re talking about. Part of our problem has been a lack of understanding of the type of coop we want to be and how we want to work. Because, as a “services” cooperative, we are adopting a model more often used in agricultural production!

Service cooperatives, according to Catalan cooperative law,

associate physical or juridical persons who are owners of farming or industrial operations, or services, and professionals or artists who carry out their activities on their own account. Service cooperatives have as their object the loan of supplies and services and the execution of operations whose goal is the economic and professional improvement of the professional activities or the industry of their associates.

In other words, a group of (say) farmers get together, lend machinery and equipment to each other, perhaps share accounting services between them, and market their produce collectively.

The fruit of some collective labours. Photo taken from by @thornburyscott, used under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial license,

The fruit of some collective labours. Photo taken from by @thornburyscott, used under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial license,

Interpreting this as broadly as possible, we made it the objective of our cooperative:

  • to associate linguistic professionals such as language teachers, writers, translators, etc who carry out activities on their own account
  • to share resources and services between those professionals in order to improve their work in technical/professional and economic terms
  • to distribute and commercialise those services and the work of those professionals

That is to say, a group of language teachers and related professionals get together, lend and share materials, equipment and training in order to better themselves professionally and economically, and attempt to distribute and market their work collectively. We would only add that by “distribute” we don’t only mean “sell”, as we are also keen to make our services available to NGOs and similar groups on a solidarity basis.

We don’t think there is anyone else, in Spain at least, who has set up a language services coop along these lines (if there is, we would love to hear from you!) – and perhaps that is one reason why we have encountered difficulties along the way. And we are not so naïve as to suppose those difficulties are over! But we have taken a very important step forward and can now begin to put in place those plans and strategies we feel will help us realise our objectives.

In the next post, a summary of what SLB has already achieved while under constitution, and the next important tasks which face us.



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  1. George Chilton 20 April 2014 at 5:04 pm - Reply

    Reblogged this on designer lessons.

  2. bealer81 21 April 2014 at 7:19 am - Reply
  3. phil2wade 21 April 2014 at 8:26 am - Reply

    Sounds great!

    I had a similar idea but people didn’t seem to understand it. I figured if all the language schools closed then the best option was a co-op. It could start as just 2 tchrs sharing clients and grow to renting office/class space.

    • teamslb 28 April 2014 at 7:42 am - Reply

      Hi Phil and thanks for the comment. Your blog posts on this theme were clipped into our co-op Scoop-It as we were getting started, so you have already been an influence on what we’re doing! Any more bright ideas, get in touch!

  4. […] we said in the previous post, we are a cooperative of language professionals working on our own account and clubbing together to […]

  5. Amber 27 August 2015 at 12:29 am - Reply

    Hey SLB,

    I was also thinking about setting up a Cooperativa to provide English training with a fellow teacher… Would you be able to offer us any advice? We had the idea as we are working together to reach our clients under one name and wanted to have equal responsibility without both having to pay Autonomo.

    Any advice would be very much appreciated
    Thanks for your time and all the best for your future projects

    • Alan Ritchie 28 August 2015 at 2:39 pm - Reply

      Hi Amber,

      I’m going to assume you are in Spain, right? In order to set up a cooperative here you need at least 3 people. So, if it’s just you and your friend at this stage, it might be tricky.

      Even if you did set up a coop, you wouldn’t really be able to use it to avoid both becoming autonomo as (in our type of coop at least) the majority of members need to be autonomo.

      I can’t think of a model that would suit your particular situation, but good luck with it!

      If you have any more questions, do feel free to get back in touch.

      Alan SLB