Myles Klynhout, SLB English teacher and (rather) amateur cyclist, talks about his two-wheeled fund-raising efforts for Salut Mental Catalunya.

The Barcelona Gran Fondo

The Barcelona Gran Fondo is a gruelling 132 km circular cycle ride, with over 2000 meters of vertical ascents thrown in for good measure. Two years ago I set myself this personal goal – to complete the Gran Fondo (in one piece!). Granted, it’s not everyone’s idea of a fun Sunday afternoon activity, but I’ll be sweating for a very worthy cause. Along with Andreu Oliver, a psychologist, I’ll be peddling to raise awareness for people living with mental health problems in Catalunya.

Fundació Salut Mental Catalunya

SMC LOGO FBAccording to the World Health Organisation, 1 in 4 people experience a mental health disorder at some time during their lives. Most of these people experience their first symptoms in their youth, dropping out of education and training and having difficulty entering the labour market. Many of these people are unemployed (90% in Spain).

Fundació Salut Mental Catalunya (SMC) run a number of community projects. One of these is Mental Health Friendly (MHF). Through the medium of quality English Language Training, the project aims to improve quality of life and facilitate greater social inclusion and employment for people with mental health problems. Read more about how SLB have previously collaborated on the project.

Help us reach our target and spread the word

Andreu and I are extremely passionate about this cause and we’re really looking forward to the ride! But, we really need your support. Here are two ways you can help us raise funds for the important work SMC are doing:

DONATEMake a small donation and help us reach our goal of €500. All donations will go to the the MHF project, to improve the training and social inclusion of people with mental health disorders.


If you don’t have much spare change lying around, you can still show your support by going to the Salut Mental Catalunya facebook page and giving them a like or follow.

Thank you for your support!

Special thanks to SLB, SMC and the organisers of the Barcelona Gran Fondo for making this possible.

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